talloplanic views

By Arell

I am enjoying myself.

Good grief it's been a miserable day.  It's rained heavily almost non-stop for about 36 hours and the River North Esk is getting very high.  Not record breaking high but high enough that it's burst its banks in Polton Glen, which is not good news.

I sorted paperwork and then made those duct tape shoe covers I talked about yonks ago.  It looked like the rain was going off a bit [Narrator: It wasn't.] and I had a headache again, so after lunch I got togged up and headed out to look at the Esk where it flows through the old paper mill at Dalmore, which is also where SEPA monitors the water level.  The mill lade was a torrent.  I went to the tip with the things I forgot the other day, then got some shopping, by which time I was very wet.

For the hell of it I cycled to Bush to see if the main road was flooded.  I couldn't get a good view so went through the estate, and accidentally discovered many of the roads there were derailleur-deep in water!  Poor Mirabel!  There was a lot of flooding on the fields too.  By this time I was extremely wet, getting a bit cold, my feet were sodden, and my 20 year-old jacket needs throwing in the bucket.  Once home it was time for a long, hot shower, and to dry out my bike and my clothes, then tea and an hour's snooze, which I really really needed.

It is still raining like mad.

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