The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Not the shot I wanted

I will try again for a better, more architectural shot. The problem is, there's always a chain link fence or something unwanted in the background. 

I worked from home, day 2 of the Health Coaching course was held on Zoom. Day 1 was all those modules I've been doing, which did take about 8 hours. Course was excellent.

All the time messages were coming through on work phone: can we talk, can we..., can you...etc. The only call I made took a long time and will result in follow up calls to other agencies tomorrow. I sent out some messages, noted all the calls to make, and then walked down to my host surgery, because I had lost my Bose earbuds and was really, really hoping they'd be there. Practised a visualisation of finding them, on my way down. Walked into what looked like a CoVid clinic, headed to my new office/cupboard, and there was the black case under the chair! Phew. Must look for a brightly coloured case. Less easy to lose. 

Walked home, Camilla who led the India trip was there with CS. Had supper after she left, and have been happily watching TV ever since. 

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