
By Teasel


It was grey this morning and it was even greyer when we got into Edinburgh.  The greyness then descended in fog and we couldn’t see anything out of the office windows.  I popped out at lunchtime and it felt damp, but wasn’t really raining.  It  was drizzling by the time I got back into the office.  That turned into an afternoon of heavy rain.  I couldn’t see it from y scaffolding covered window, but I could hear it.  It was still raining when I went to catch my bus home, and rather annoyingly it was around twenty minutes late.  When we got off the bus at home, it was pouring and both TT and I were drookit when we got home.
We were rather distracted this afternoon by the prospect of an announcement by the PM – and so we had it – in the rain.  The general election will be on 4 July – in the first week  of the Scottish school holidays.
Once out of my wet clothes, I made tea, a quick chicken curry which went down well.  I would have gone out for a few steps after tea, but the rain didn’t let up, so I had no intention of getting soaked again. 
BB’s team were playing football tonight, and he was very glad that he wasn’t playing.  It must have been miserable.  He has his last exam tomorrow.  I will be so glad when his exams are over, as I have found this year the most stressful – as he really has not applied himself – and he knows it.
This sign it normally hidden behind a locked door, but very occasionally the door is open – like today, so I grabbed a quick blip of the ghost sign.

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