
By Teasel


It was still raining when I got up, but by the time I was showered and dressed it had eased off considerably, so I risked a pre-work walk.  By the time I got back home the rain was getting much  heavier again.  I worked from home today, so logged on, then took pity on BB, who was heading into school for his last exam, and gave him a lift to school so he didn’t get soaked.  I caught up with a few things this morning, then was planning to log off as I was on a half day, but caught up with something, so logged off eventually about an hour later than I had planned. 
BB said his exam was hard, but that was the least of his worried as he was stressed out as we hadn’t paid something for university and he had a reminder.  I sorted it out, we then both got changed and we walked into town (it was very grey and dark but dry, and I took him for lunch, as it really is the end of school today.    He chose a café we haven’t been to for years.  As he reminded me, it’s part of my childhood.  We had pizza (him) and pasta(me) – perfect comfort food on such on awful day.  I picked up some shopping on our way home and we then headed to the out of town shopping centre.  We got a couple of things for BB< but not what we went for.  We didn’t hang around as the rain was on again and was really heavy.  Once home, I made tea.
Much later I popped out for some milk, it was still raining, but could be described as light drizzle – it feels like we’ve had all sorts of rain today, and lots of it.
I woke up with a sore arm today, I assumed I had been lying on it strangely, but I am not sure what is wrong with it – perhaps a trapped nerve.  I’m hoping it disappears as quickly as it has appeared.
This rose, the lady of Shalott, is covered in bud, and this is the first to bloom.  The extras show the river this morning, which must be much higher now.

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