
By Teasel

The Waterside

I wasn’t sure what the weather was going to be today, but was pretty sure there would be more rain.  I was up and out for a walk early as it was fair.  I walked a circuit which took in a route by the river in town - the river was still pretty high.  It was then home to some chores and then to get myself ready to meet up with a couple of friends, one of which picked me up on her way past, so I didn’t even have to walk down into town.  We had planned to meet up and to go for a walk at the coast, but the weather mitigated against that.  Instead we met up in a local café and chatted all morning.  We have BB for getting us together as J, who we haven’t seen for ages (probably since before covid), bumped into BB recently, when he sold her raffle tickets at a rugby event.  Anyway, it was a really lovely catch up and we promised to meet up again, maybe over a wee drink the next time.
The morning had brightened up considerably, so I walked S to her car, and then continued on a walk around by the river as the sun made an appearance. The river was still very full, but had gone down since this morning. I met a couple of friends who were out on a lunchtime dog walk, so stopped and had a wee catch up with them.  I saw the swans with four cygnets, however they looked rather precarious as the river was so full and fast flowing and they were all being carried downstream.  When I was going over Victoria Bridge, I could see that they had all made it to the side of the river and were sheltering in amongst some reeds.  I then  headed home for lunch.
BB  was still in bed when I got back and didn't appear until 13:47 – looking for lunch.  So much for today being the first day of the rest of his life – he missed most of it!  Once lunch was sorted I did some chores, but my arm was still really sore.  I had to stop and I just sat and listened to a pod cast for about an hour, waiting on my pain killers kick in.  I really missed my run this morning, but a run was out of the question, so I decided I would try a wee walk, while it was still dry.  Thankfully I took my brolly with me, as it really rained, however the rain had gone off by the time I got back home.
I pottered and then made a tomato sauce to go with the gnocchi I had bought for tea.  Later TT watched another James Bond movie, For Your Eyes Only – complete with Sheena Easton theme tune!
This is down across from The Waterside at lunchtime.  The extra isn’t great, but you can see the swans and can just about see the four cygnets.

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