Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Sunset at Brancaster Staithe

We were up early this morning to drive to Norfolk but now that it is summer it is already light so it doesn’t feel as if you are getting up in the middle of the night. We had an easy drive to Norfolk, and when we got there we quickly unpacked the car and then Gavin had to work, he had some zoom meetings and was busy, so I took Xena for a walk.

There has always been a board walk from Brancaster Staithe (where we are) to Brancaster but over the years the wood has rotted and it has fallen into disrepair. About two years ago the council closed the path so that they could fix it up. The board walk is needed as the route is over the marshes and it can get boggy there. Last month the new boardwalk was finally finished and opened again, so today I walked from Brancaster Staithe to Brancaster beach using the new board walk, which is wonderful - previously you had to watch where you stepped due to the holes in the rotten wood and it was so narrow if someone else was walking towards you you had to squeeze past each other. Now it is wide and has little resting benches all along the route. It was a long walk, as we also walked along the beach and the marshes to see the sea campion, so it was 2.5 hours later that I got back. Although it was overcast it was not cold, and this afternoon the sun finally came out.

Gavin worked all day while I pottered around and then later this evening we went for another walk to Brancaster Staithe. It was low tide and I got very close to the water’s edge where is very muddy, and because I was almost stuck in the mud I fell over! I had to come home and strip off and wash my muddy trousers.

Adam, Anna and Tommy only arrive tomorrow. Luke is not joining us as on Monday he has to go to France for work. 

After supper I went back down to the Staithe to photograph the sunset as seen here. Sunset is now at 9pm so it works well to eat supper first. I have some extras of Xena on the beach this morning with the marran grasses, and then later in the afternoon paddling in the water.

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