Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

I never learn..

Today I decided to give myself a treat for my 4000th blip and go to Lymington for the first time this year, reckoning that if the Reserve here was pretty well dried out, so would the bird reserve there be.  And I was right.  I saw lots of birds, including avocets, lapwings, redshank, etc.  But.. yes, I never learn.  Trying to blip water birds on such a bright day is impossible, the light is so harsh you lose feather detail and it all just lands up a mess!  So I found myself blipping butterflies instead.  This small heath was my favourite and there's a rather nice speckled wood in Extras.  It seemed a long way to go for them, but I did enjoy myself.

Quite a lot of you asked yesterday if I really did go up a ladder to help with the conservatory roof.  No, I absolutely didn't!  It was only a joke and the roofers did a fabulous job.  I now, for the first time ever, have a respectable conservatory.  Great stuff!

Hope your long weekend (if you're having one) is going well.  Take care and enjoy the rest of it  xx

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