Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Hummer and cheese

Did you know that a hummingbird doesn't flap its wings? The wings form figure eights. Very, very fast ones. You can kind of see it in the wing on the right.

Another day during which I thought I could do more than one thing. Grabbed my photo early then went out for a late breakfast. I also picked up my mail. I thought I could manage doing a load or two of laundry. Sooner or later it will get folded. I did my best, which is all I should expect. I'm confident that my best will continue to get better.

I've been having the strangest dreams lately. Last night it was about cheese. Yes, cheese. My favorite to put on sandwiches, omelettes and even in scrambled eggs is pepper jack. I like spicy.  So, I thought I would ask you: what is your favorite cheese?

A guy walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm.
He says to the bartender:
"I’ll take a beer, and one for the road."

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