There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Blue Sky, Blue Water at Bald Eagle State Park

My husband and I decided to go for our third swim in less than a week. We kicked off the season with our first swim on Monday at Whipple Dam, and then had our second swim at Black Moshannon on Tuesday. On the Saturday of the Memorial Day holiday weekend, we headed for Bald Eagle State Park.

The water at Bald Eagle (also known as Sayre's Dam) was cleaner than I've ever seen it. There was plenty of pollen on the surface but the water itself was clear; when walking out into it, or swimming, you could still see your feet!

We wanted to be home before 2 p.m. so I could watch my little sister's graduation ceremony online. She has just finished up an associate degree in Accounting; her daughter also graduates from high school this coming Tuesday. We are so proud of them, and know that our parents and all of our family who have gone before us are beaming down on them and enjoying their accomplishments!!!

It was tight, but we managed it. We swam, showered, split an Italian hoagie from the snack shop ($5.50), and then took a quick drive around this side of the park before heading home.

Here is a view from the winter launch. It seems silly to call it that now that it's summertime, but here we are. The sky was blue, the water was blue. There were boats out on the water. There were people fishing and having picnics, and there just seemed to be a sense of peace and ease there. We made it home with about 20 minutes to spare.

We were very fortunate that we got home when we did, as I noted the storm clouds gathering on our drive home. About five minutes after 2, the sky opened up, and a huge and powerful storm ripped through our area. I thought about all of the people at the park, and hoped that they all made it to cover before the storm hit! What a case of accidental good timing on OUR part!

My soundtrack song is for the winter launch. I had a line running through my head: "in the wintertime, wintertime, wintertime." It's from the song Wintertime, by the Steve Miller Band.

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