Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I was late getting up this morning, as although I went to bed early last night - well 10.30 p.m. is early for me - I was rudely awoken by a neighbours' alarm going off at 1.40 a.m. I rang the Concierge who said he would sort it out - which he did within 10 minutes - but I was WIDE awake by then and decided I would finish my book, so read for the next hour.

There was no need to bother about breakfast, as this is a Fasting Day, so I decided to go out for a coffee as a little treat and Caffe Nero coffee is only 51 calories! On the way, I bought a paper, and having passed the time of day with the newsagent, saw on the counter some Cadbury's Creme Eggs, a chocolate product in the shape of an egg - it has thick milk chocolate on the outside and inside is a white and yellow fondant filling, which looks like the white and yolk of a real egg. Between New Year's Day and Easter in the UK they are the best-selling confectionary - with annual sales in excess of 200 million - sometimes, we even have them at Church at our Christmas Morning Service!

I explained about blipping and asked if he would mind if I took a photograph although I didn't want to buy one and those who know me will understand why! He readily agreed, so here is my take for the HeartFreek July Photo Challenge for EGGS.

And do you know what? Just looking at this blip will not increase your weight in any way, shape or form so ENJOY this calorie-free blip with my compliments!

Wonder if I should go back tomorrow and buy one? Mmmmm - better give that some thought!

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