
I thought that as I was going to a beautiful restaurant to meet old friends for lunch there would be ample opportunity for blips. The sun was shining, the restaurant garden was immaculate, so what went wrong? Well, for the first time in my blip life I didn't think of it, so engrossed was I with our friends.

H & D are over from South Africa visiting their daughter who now lives in Tunbridge Wells. H was my best friend at school so we go back a long way! Sadly in our adult life we have never lived on the same continent so it was just Christmas letters for a while. Then we met again in 1986 and discovered we had a lot in common. Friendship was renewed and we have visited them in South Africa several times and we always meet up when they are in England. Email keeps us going in between times. Now that their daughter has moved to England I think they will be coming more often.

So, no thought of blip until I got home, and had to resort to another garden blip.

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