Mr. Bear Delivers

This completes the saga of our patio furniture acquisition.

Faithful blip subscribers will no doubt recall that we were able to buy the table, chairs and cushion storage bag in the Seattle IKEA, but the furniture cover and seat cushions were out of stock.

You may also remember that Mr. Mole bought the cushions in the Seattle IKEA when they became available a few days later, and C's sister in Texas bought a cover and mailed it to us.

A friend in Vancouver BC who was visiting Mr. Mole last week was going to deliver the cushions to us on her way back home, but forgot to put them in her car.

Mr. Bear, Mole's faithful sidekick, delivered the cushions this evening, by way of Spokane, Washington; Bozeman, Montana; Thermopolis, Wyoming; Bozeman (again); Whitefish, Montana; and Creston, BC -- a total distance of about 2500 miles.

We sat on the new cushions while enjoying one of Cynthia's excellent meals. The lemon pudding was particularly noteworthy -- a new recipe which will be served again, by popular demand.

The chairs are so much more comfortable with the cushions -- my bottom is not as well padded as I thought!

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