An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Flower Trumpet...


I am loving the sunshine even though I can only sit in it for a short time. It makes such a difference to my general mood :)

Alan and David headed to Perth in search of new summer clothes for Alan, who has just about outgrown everything he owns! He's such a skinnymalink he needs trousers with a pull in waist. Next is usually our first stop but it appears the shop only stocks boys clothes to age 12 with 14 - 16 age having to be bought online. Oh well.

Eddie arrived to spend the evening with Alan as D and I were heading to Ele and Kenny's with 4 other friends who we don't get to see very often. Although the sun had disappeared when we got there, we all sat manfully in the garden, determined to make the most of the dry weather. Gave up and went indoors when the drop in temp finally caused goosebumps.

Lovely dinner then like Cinderella, D and I had to leave to get back home before we turned in to pumpkins :) in time to get Alan into bed. Eddie's not had his moving and handling training yet so he's not able to get Alan out of his wheelchair and into bed. He's on a two day course next week so hopefully we won't have to get back early in future :)

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