Life through the lens...

By ValC

Blipmeet at Bingley, St Ives

Blipmeet at Bingley, St Ives.
What a very enjoyable time we all had.

Met at Lady B's.
Walked to Coppice Pond to feed the ducks and geese. (Thanks Wendy for bringing the food!)
Then through the woods.
Onto the moors.
Past the lovely cotton grass and some beautiful wild orchids.
Down through the bracken, heather, and bilberries.
Then into the welcome shade of the woods ( by now it was very hot and sunny)
Past Goit Stock waterfall, which still had a fare amount of water coming down in spite of the dry weather these past few weeks.
Through part of Harden Village. (which is lovely)
Past the cricket field and back to Lady B's and a well earned lunch!

I really enjoyed meeting you all and had a wonderful time.
Many thanks to Wendy for organising this.
Hope we will all meet again soon.

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