House Day

This is a much smaller school than I am used to working in. Today (the last day of term) was also House Day. We have one each term. The kids do a range of activities (all indoors this time cos it's the middle of the winter).

I wandered around taking photos of their antics.This particular student had gone all out with her outfit. Usually these morph suits freak me out, but something about the fairy wings just stopped it from being scary!

The Red House won (that's apparently the house I'm affiliated with).

I taught some Spanish this morning and was given chocolate by the class to thank me. Primary kids are thoughtful like that! Secondary, not so much.

So two weeks of holidays begin. I've got a list as long as Cousteau's tail to do, but I guess I'll just wade my way through as much of it as possible during the first week so that I can enjoy my time up north in the second week.

Off to pick up my photocopying before heading home for a Cousteau walk.



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