
Her cute little face reminds me of a teddy bear ......though.. tiny, alert and speedy would also fit the bill to describe this little lady! At rest it holds it's wings slightly backwards just like a swing wing aircraft but gorgeous or what! Love that orange colour!!

You had to feel a bit sorry for this large skipper - there was certainly a pecking order on the lavender and who's the smallest? Bullied -yes it was: the small heaths and meadow browns were incredibly territorial and every time it made an appearance trying desperately to land on the gorgeous purple mass which was just singing in the sunshine it got attacked and told to go on it's way ....which it did and then tried to sneak in another way! Fair play - a bit gutsy too then!

In their turn the bullies tried to take on a small tortoiseshell and were told where to go. Beauty won in the end.

You have to be in awe of that massively long proboscis - in terms of size it beats the others hands down! It favours many wild flowers such as scabious, thistles, dandelions and knapweeds, laying it's eggs on grasses.

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