
By mollymay49


We had a trip into the hills today, and called in the town of Mundaring (around an hours drive from the coast) Mundaring is just one of a number of small towns seeped in history of when and how their town was established when the first settlers arrived.
The old school house in Mundaring which still stands today was built in 1809 its now a museum and part tourist information centre, we called in there just out of interest (as we do) and there was my "Transport" he is called (yes he has a name) "Ganger's Tricycle"
The first thing to be established in any logging town back in the 1800s was the railway (more on that another day and on another blip) the line however was well established when this little beauty came along in the 1940s.
A large number of men were employed in the ongoing Maintenance of the Eastern Railway, Each team or gang was responsible for a certain section of the line.
The Tricycle enabled individual members of the gang to patrol the line looking for faults. The rider used a "rowing" action on the handle, which moved the gears below the seat, thus propelling him along the line.
Eventually all this type of machinery was replaced by motorised versions.

Anniemay you would have loved this old school house it had an old desk and chair and blackboard and memorabilia including the old brass hand bell, i will send you the pic... you were missed today a tad more than any other day.

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