Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Coldingham Haar

D, L and I met up with the Four Little Bells plus Joe on the rather crowded sands of Coldingham beach. The car park was jam packed and we had to park in the 'town'.
There was an amazingly thick haar all along the bay and way out to sea.

There was a reason that Sue wanted to go to Coldingham.
It was to find a group of about 8 children who are from the Chernobyl area and are staying with families in the Borders areas for a month. Apparently being here in our climate, even just for a month, can lengthen their lives for a few years.
Anyway, with the crowds and the haar it was a difficult quest to spot them, but we did and Sue got to meet the folk involved with this project. Very nice folk and an interesting project.
All the kids had great fun in sand and sea.

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