
By Brotographer

evolt CP

Back at IDL on campus. Contrary to what I expected, it hasn't been too hard to drift back into the work mentality after Barcelona, even though I'm still procrastinating too much (what can I say? everyone is uploading their photos from bcn and I've missed out on so much world news!). The photo is from a charging station that's been installed up at Tile Hill railway station. How stimulating, right? Well it was exciting seeing as it was the first one that we actually succeeded in using, not to mention one of the best designed ones! Could do with having a flowerpot or solar panel on top though...

Back in Leam, you know what it is! DUKE MONDAY!!! That's right everybody, get jelly, I may be stuck in Leamington for a month more than everybody else, but at least I still got my £5 duke burgers!!!
Stana and her friend David (visiting from Wales) joined, as well as Erin and Alex. Later, Acorners Matt and Tom came by as well, hadn't seen them since the epic last day of exams. We hit Benji's, followed by Jug for some dranking and good times. Early night home compared to usual though, about midnight. Stana and David crashed over. I'm not sure whether our flat is a warehouse or a hotel. Somewhere in between I'd say. Sorry Maddie, we're still taking good care of it...!


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