An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Whispering Grass...

Up and out the house by 9.30am and at the orthopaedic clinic just after 10. As I was walking to the clinic with my elbow crutches, a nurse passed me and said, "Head up, bottom in" and when I tried to do as she said, I felt the crutches were too short. She also noticed and within a second she had adjusted them to the correct height and it felt much better. Just a random nurse passing. Jeez I love this place!

Saw the Doc who reassured me that the partial knee replacement I had in 2010 is fine but confirmed there is arthritic bone round the inside edge of the joint and a couple of bony spurs and this is what's causing the pain. The only option is a full knee replacement but he feels I'm not at that stage yet. He thinks this may just be a flare up and wants me manage the situation with pain medication, rest and gentle exercise. If there's no improvement in a month then my GP will refer me back and proper assessment and discussion re. surgery can begin.

The good news is I got the all clear for France! Thank God! It will be a very painful journey but I'll just have to focus on how wonderful it will be when I get there. Trying to get hold of a travel wheelchair that I can use once we're there otherwise I won't be able to go very far. Will need to be a self-propel chair as David won't be able to push both Alan and me. Honestly, the car's going to be like a Sunshine Coaches trip with the pair of us! :D

Marion's been here all day and has helped me look out some of Alan's clothes to be packed. She's back again tomorrow as is Agnes, so between us we'll hopefully get some packing done so poor David's not left with everything to do.

What a bloody drama!

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