Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

View from the treehouse

Emergency blip as I never managed to get out today. The heat has been proving too much for wee John Boy, and 27degrees and me in his room with the air con on full blast till 2am this morning was my final straw.

So today I moved Ciarán into our spare room, and John into Ciarán's room. John is still in a loft room, but a bigger one before and it now means his old room can have the windows left open all night in an attempt to get some air through the house.

Moved most of C's stuff and he seemed happy enough with his new room. He now has the biggest room in the house (which we didn't want as its at the front by the road), but in a few years time they will be sharing it.

Looking forward to not having either of them in the loft rooms, as they get so hot in the summer.

It's not the heat from outside; but rather the heat from the rest of the house rising and then getting trapped!!

I did get out eventually to attend the PTA meeting at C's school. I was a bit disappointed that if you excluded the Headmaster and the committee members then I think only 4 other parents (out of about 900) bothered to turn up.

So I managed a quick trot up the ladders to blip the allotments from the treehouse. It's not a bad view is it.

Hopefully try and find a Gromit tomorrow.

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