Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Hitchin Festival

July is Hitchin Festival month, there is allsorts going on across town. Sadly Rhythms of the World isn't happening, as such, this year. The rain last year meant that the Priory site was left a quagmire and the company who own the Priory decided against allowing the use of their land again. Fair enough as I would have been spiting if I had had my wedding booked there last year, the parkland was trashed.

This hangs from St. Mary's for the duration of the festival. I think it has a different message each year, although I would stand to be corrected.

Busy day here. I didn't go for a run this morning as William woke in a tizz about 10mins before I was supposed to get up and I was worried if he squawked while I was out he would wake Carys. He doesn't appreciate waking up to find Mummy out.

So school run done, I spent the first hour of the day taking down art work and it into folders for the reception kids to take home today. Then on to the market for fruit and home for housework. Had to make the most of my second last day kid free until the 2nd Friday in Sept (and then it will only be a half day ;-) ). Too hot for hoovering and ironing but I got both done.

Picked up Carys, took a big bag of stuff to Oxfam and then Carys to the library, as having signed up to the summer reading challenge on Saturday she has already read two of the six books required to complete the challenge. Back home for homework and tea, then we picked up W and headed to the Music school for their open day. Both kids tried a violin, a drum kit and Carys a recorder while W tried his best with the oboe.

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