Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

16 Days#12: Hot Ham

So: the post holiday pile of washing, the heat, and the overgrown garden. The usual fayre. We left it all behind at lunchtime and went to Ham House in Richmond. Very pleasant but the gardens are a bit of a mess. Brief dialogue between TSM and I as follows:

"You're not taking any photographs".

"I'm fed up with just clicking away when we come to places like this. I want to be more like a photographer and less like a snapper".

It's true though, you go to a National Trust property and come home with dozens of pictures that look like the ones you've taken in any other NT home ... But this shot of the gorgeous TSM sitting on the steps of the house is a gem in my books.

Anyway a nice day ... off to Bath tomorrow ... must try to take photographs and not just snap away ...

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