Syke Farm Ice-cream.

As intended, we went for our ice-cream today, arguably amongst the best in the county, if not the country. Mebbe I'm biased.

Anyway we parked @ the National trust park just before the village and "yomped" in ... a whole 1/4ml :¬))
Just enough to convince Herself not to try for Scale Force this weather ... a whole 2.5 mls.
Got into the shop and wailed "It's gone, it's GONE!"
"What's gone?" said the lass.
"Your Turkish Delight Ice-cream." says I.
Apparently "He" keeps changing the flavours periodically.

That said their lemon & basil Sorbet hit the spot so well, I had a second, bigger, lot. I'd shot a few things but, with nothing else to do, I concentrated on Bummlies and Sedums/Stonecrops(?), with assorted settings.0

I make no apologies for yet another "Bummly" since it's the first one I've ever caught in flight.
"Fair tickled I am, by George."©

BTW I only ever see them with their heads stuck in  a flower, I often wonder how the hell they fill their Jodhpurs, coz I've never managed to witness that spectacle.

AAAAaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!! Just noticed what I blipped 1 yr ago.
So - When I went to click through to a year ago, this time (12-08-29) I see there's a bee 1 yr ago AND in 1 yrs time.

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