
Summer show tonight - where the amazing talent of our kids was on show for all to see. They make us so proud. And this is the stuff that our job is about - not league tables, advisors, exam results and inspections. Its about talent, confidence, support, pride, enjoyment, fun and showing the world what you can do.

And they did it in buckets-full...dancers, singers, musicians, drama performances - songs written (lyrics and music) AND performed by kids, drama performances written and performed by the kids with timing, flair and humour, dance performances, choreographed by the kids...some by the older students with and for the younger students. Too many highlights, but the dancers pictured were great, and a beautiful acoustic performance of Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" by one of our year 11 boys who sang, accompanied on the guitar by another student whose talent was flawless. Tears in my eyes...

My evening was full of mind blowing, spine tingling, goose bumps on my arms moments when I was so utterly full of pride for our kids that I could have hugged every single one of them.

You make us all very proud....and remind us why we do what we do. Thank you.

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