How to catch a mouse

Mad half hour at Dads. Whilst sitting on the armchair, I saw something dash across the kitchen floor. I got up to look and stood in the doorway - as a mouse ran straight towards me with a piece of fresh chicken in its mouth from the cats plate.

Operation mousetrap ensued - I have discovered why my Dad has hundreds of bottles of whiskey around the house - they are used to trap mice!

Comedy moments followed whilst Dad was trying to poke the mouse out from under the dresser. We thought we had the little bugger at one point, but it was really quite bolshie - and jumped over my Dads arm and escaped to somewhere else in the living room.

After 20 minutes I gave up, as we needed to get on our way - I have no doubt that Dad has subsequently spent the evening trying to catch it - I'll find out on Sunday.

Thanks for the new music as well dad!

Backblipped yesterday - a special evening that reminded me why I do my job and why I love it.

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