
By Brotographer

Rollin' Round London

[Got better photos for the day, but here's the thing. I feel like lately photography (and a lot of other stuff) have been traded for social life. It's probably more suitable therefore for me to upload candid photos of friends rather than half-hearted stabs at art. It's been like this for the best part of 2013, so no regrets. It's just how life is going right now, and I know in the future, I'll be happier to see these photos than the other stuff. For the most part.]

On that note, this is Tom and Ali chilling by the canal. Yesterday's photo and story will come when I develop the disposable cameras. I've already written the blip entry.


Woooo, what a good night last night. You know it was a sick night at a club when Shane (aka The Sober One) thinks so too. Those of us who were awake, that's Shane, Lia and me, headed over to the Chamberlayne, my favorite place to eat in London. Cue the best chicken and mushroom pie in the world, which I've already discussed over here. After dropping off a very hungover Lia at the tube and saying bye to Shane, I headed back to the house to rest some more. By the time JB and Tom were properly awake it was 4pm, in other words breakfast time. So we headed to the Breakfast Club, over at Angel. Man I recommend that place! Despite it being past 5pm and already having had lunch, I ate a delicious stack of berry pancakes while the others dug in to some mexican food, burgers and incredible blueberry smoothies. And Ali joined us, but he went for a cider rather than a smoothie, poor guy... Fret not, we then headed down to the canal to grab some drinks at a waterside bar (passion fruit Rekorderlig thank you very much). Instead of staying inside, the four of us sat along the canal, chilling and listening to some pirates play music on a barge to an eclectic group of onlookers. Some geniuses were also paddling by in inflatable boats with some beers. The Good Life.
Boom, back on the road after buying a couple bottles of Absolut and to a house party at Earl's Road. The party in question was hosted by a friend of Wilson's called Hillary. There was good vibe at their house, especially on the roof where they were having a barbecue. We chilled for ages there, it made for a good night.


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