
By schorschi

Another week of school

Bavarian school holidays start on 31st July while in Berlin their summer holiday started on 19th June and ends on 1st August. So Oliver & Co are packing their bags tonight to start their journey home but luckily they are breaking the journey in Austria. German school holiday system is a bit complicated but in effect the summer hols start in June in the north and then every week or two moves southward with Bavaria being the last. Has it's advantages as the roads & resorts don't get "hit" at the same time but of course means for the Brits that the Spanish sunloungers are reserved for months on end!

The Blip is of a group of about 20-30 final year pupils who are celebrating their final days and this is" accepted/supported" by the schools. They are camping out a few hundred meters from our house, no doubt lots of alcohol, music level is at 23:00 quite acceptable. Lots of coming & going on foot, scooter, car and tractor/trailer but luckily on the field tracks. Caused me to flee once this morning and Angie twice this evening on our dog walks. Harmless stuff and they have earned it although final results are handed out next week.

Specialist was very impressed with Birgits work on my wound and without saying anything directly, I could tell he was suprised at progress. He said at one point, he would do this and that but said I should discuss it with Birgit and she should decide what was best! And that from someone who is ultra conservative where there could be a problem. As it was 15:00 when he saw me he was about to redress the wound when I said he didn't need to as Birgit would do it if I got home by 16:00. I think he was quite relieved. He said he didn't need to see me again unless Birgit thought it was necessary! Well done Birgit.

MrB has been in contact twice today, one text message asking what was the "best" Gin. I thought either Gordons or Gilbeys but wrote Aldi would probably do just as well. In the evening he phoned to say he had got Gordons didn't say he had Pimms but I suspect so, and ginger ale. He also congratulated me on being involved in the latest news from the UK! Angie met him on her walk & asked him why gin, Pimms etc. His answer: if I can't 100% understand the language (he struggles daily with my Blip jibberish) then at least he wants to get to grips with the traditions! I also texted him today that it was "Gin AND Tonic" not the normal German "Gin Tonic". He however did know how to pronounce Schweppes which when spoken by 99% of Germans is unrecognisable. I would love to organise for him to spend a weekend in the UK with a days pheasant or grouse shoot. Don't think he would care a damn if he didn't shoot anything but would revel in the traditions. Sadly I don't know any Blipers who are hunting types, I think we are all on the other side of the fence, so to speak. On Saturday evening he asked what croquet was. I got as far as cucumber sandwiches when luckily the food was ready. I hope he never asks me to explain cricket. How on earth do you explain that the most important games are played for "The Ashes". Help!!

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