
By EastTexasAngles


A long day: got Mom and myself bathed, dressed and fed, got to physical therapy, afterwards took Mom to my house to rest and then to Wendy's for a hamburger, then to her doctor appointment and to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions; then we went to get gas and finally to the store for dog food. I left the car on "accessory" so I could leave the AC on for my mother and when I came out, the car wouldn't start.

I put the hood up and immediately several people came over to help -- the joys of small-town living are great! I had jumper cables -- all I needed was another vehicle. I never touched jumper cables until my father died -- since then I have become quite the expert and carry them with me all the time.

Drove around at dusk looking for Buck but he did not appear. I did see a doe with two fawns but they leapt off into the woods when they saw me.

The Tomato was a gift from a friend -- a last-minute late-night blip. I was experimenting with the oliclip lenses for my iPhone but this ended up being the best shot without the fancy lens.

Thank you so much to all of you who have commented on my photos. All this is a relaxation and release for me and your comments are truly appreciated.

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