Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage


In the prison of the mind, chaos and broken dreams lie scattered on the table. The blinds casting shadows, separating light, fragmenting images of color and tangled thought. The very idea of starting over, suffocating, 'where ~ begin'? How will order come? How many days and nights, face to the ground, confessing, again, the powerlessness over the chaos and asking, one more time, for help...for direction. For sweet surrender.

Abandoned surrender, determined faith, hope becomes knowing and knowing, hope. No turning to the left, or the right, just~straight ahead~ hope. Simple faith, simple seeing, simple knowing.

Seeing the colors one at a time. Beautiful colors, each having potential. The same, but different, each having purpose, all it's own. Designed to connect. Designed to shine. Designed for purpose. Seeing the light, and the shadows, and the patterns again; no fear now. Seeing potential, one small bit at a time. On bended knee, again, transparent, honest, powerless~full of potential~seeking peace.

Finding beauty.

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