I only have eyes for you

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So windy today, so this peacock butterfly was being tossed around all over the place, so it took patience to get at least some of it in focus! They're my favourite butterflies - you can have a fav, believe me you can, & ok, it might be an obvious choice, but years ago, when a child, I had half a dozen of these beauties land on my at once in my garden in London & they wouldn't leave, they just clung to me, & being so young, their colours were so vivid, plus they were *huge*, they're still big now once grown up, but as a child they were giants & they were so gentle & so beautiful & they happened to like me - a lot - so they've stayed my favourites :)

And no bird for the blip of birds... think I might rename it that, but not this time!

B is for butterfly...?

Gym this morning, I flew on the cross trainer, knees still bad, but ok on the trainer. Home for housework, washing, gardening, just catching up on all I missed while doing Art Trek. :) xxx

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