The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

Friendly Essex Skipper

Foul and raining again this morning, and not just heavy showers, but real torrential rain!!
As a result of this, I didn't even get to go outside until about ten to five.
Desperate to find a Blip I went for a quick trip to Southwater Country park's Quarry lake field hoping to find some roosting (it was still cold) Marbled whites.
Sadly, I came away disappointed, but I did find this little Skipper, chilly enough to climb onto my finger for a warm up!
When I took the pic, I thought it was a Small skipper, but on closer examination on my PC I realised the antennae tips are all black, which in my book makes it an Essex Skipper!
I guess life can often be like that too. we all make assumptions about people when we first meet them, but as we get to know them better we sometimes realise they are something else entirely.......and not always something better!

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