Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Swiss National Day

The 1st August is National Day in Switzerland, which is celebrated each year with paper lantern parades, bonfires, Swiss flag bunting and fireworks. The date was inspired by the Federal Charter of 1291 and the foundation of the Old Swiss Confederacy. We are in the east of the country near the Austrian and German borders. Here the farmers are out, some in lederhosen, with accordions wheezing, and much Feldschlosschen (the local beer) swilling and bratwurst tasting. It is
a wonderful day of celebration, ending with spectacular fireworks resounding through the mountains and valleys.

This morning there was a flea market selling old tat various items such as large cow bells, antelope horns and woodwork. In the main park various restaurants had set up food and drink stalls and people were enjoying eating outdoors to the sound of local folk music. This is a scene of one such stall.

It is a beautiful cloudless day today, and very hot, so we spent the morning sitting on the apartment terrace watching the paragliders whirling in the sky above us. Against the blue sky they made a lovely sight, as can be seen here At one point there was a beautiful eagle, swirling on the same thermals as the paragliders, following their path over the fields below.

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