Snake in the pond

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Least it's not snake in the grass ;) I've been trying to get a picture of this grass snake in the pond for weeks & today my patience & determination paid off! As you can see he's really not that big, if you look at the water skater next to him as he swims across the pond surface - he's tiny in width, but long in length, I'd day 80cm, getting close to the 1m mark. I never realised they could swim under water, but he came up with a trail of bubbles & then dived under again, looking for his favourite food - newts! Then he came up (I'm calling him he, it's probably a she!), & had a slither around the holes in the stones surrounding the pond, before swimming back into the reeds. I just crouched & kept quiet, apart from my camera clicking! :)

And someone different this time...

Top of the world

Spent most of the day photographing new items for my Etsy shop, just haven't managed to list them yet. Been outside amongst the butterflies & the snakes(!) in-between heavy showers & the odd rumble of thunder :) xxx

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