Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

End of another Disney Magic Day

Managed to get to animal kingdom for just after opening and was about the 5th group on the Dinosaur ride. Great ride chasing after dinosaurs. Next up as a small roller coaster Primeval Whirl.
From there it was back on the Kali River rapids to get a bit wet before going back on the main roller coaster Expedition Everest.
Saw the Flights of Wonder bird show with some great birds and hopefully a few good pictures
Next up was Di-vine a woman on small stilts dressed up as vines. She almost disappeared when she wrapped herself around a tree.
Lunch was the Flame Tree BBQ for some more chicken and ribs before heading back to the pool for a rest.
After a quick power nap it was back to Magic kingdom for the electric parade and fireworks show. This time we go there early enough to get some food and have a look around Main Street. Found the sorcerer’s game in the fire house and started to play it. Only just managed to start though before we had to go and get our spot for the main event.
Arrived at the front of the castle at around 8.10pm for the electric parade at 9. It was already filling up. The others were meant to join us at 8pm so we made ourselves big and reserved some spaces. The others finally showed up at 9.10 just before the parade started.
Great to get a chance to take some photos of the parade and then the light show on the front of the castle.
The others came over to us just before the fireworks started. Good job as we were starting to get lots of hard looks from people nearby that we were fending off all night. The fireworks happen every night for 15 minutes and are great. Not quite as good as the ones at the end of the festival but it must put a small dent in the profits of Walt every night.
As a result this is my very tenuous entry to this week’s blip challenge on the word DENT.

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