Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

The red coats are coming

Monica’s birthday to day so she got to choose where we went. Epcot it was again. We left them deciding what was going to happen and trying to organise themselves and arrived around 11. Managed to get a fast pass for Turbo Track and then headed over to Ellen’s Energy. An OK ride talking about energy. Did go through a dinosaur bit and we got sneezed on by a dinosaur.

From there it was over to the circle of life film based around the Lion King and how we are all connected to the planet and should recycle more.
We when had a text to say they had arrived. This time with a wheelchair to put the two kids in. The older one couldn’t get into a stroller and the wheelchair was cheaper. Seemed that the wheelchair was more fun than Disney stuff. First stop was Canada and their film before heading over to Morocco for some lunch after I went and got fast pass tickets to Soarin'. The kid then told us they didn't want to go on it.

After lunch it was a look around America before we left them to go to use our fast passes for Turbo Track. An OK ride but not great. The designing of the car was the best bit as the ride wasn’t up to much. Just before we left America they started an old civil war piping band. Just reminded me of Boston and the guy from work who kept saying about the Red Coats coming.

Met the others in Norway after we shared a sweet almond pretzel. Very nice. Next stop was Mexico and the three amigo's ride with Daffy Duck. Surprisingly Gab's woke up when she had some stimulation instead of being pushed around in a wheelchair all day and being told she was tired and hot.

From there it was over to see the Michel Jackson film Captain EO from 1986. I had a quick trip to get a frozen margarita again to make the afternoon go slightly better.
The film was one of the first 3D films of the 80's and Jacko looked semi normal.

After it was a trip on Finding Nemo and another Turtle Talk with Crush. This time Crush picked on Gabriella. Made her day.

Last stop was Soarin' with the kids and J's Parents. The kids loved it surprise surprise even though their Mum had been telling them they wouldn't.

The Gatton side of the family left to go back the hotel for some of the crappy food while the rest of us had fish and chips in the UK before heading home.
J collected her PJ's she bought yesterday and I managed to lock us out of the room. Not the best end to an otherwise fun day.

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