Journey Through Time

By Sue

Vancouver (WA) River Walk

I had very few images to select from for today's blip. I got auntie and I took her down to the river front where Bill and I saw the lovely sailboats the other night. We walked a bit and enjoyed the summer sunshine. Well, sort of. Auntie can't take the heat very well and so, we wandered back to the car and we ended up in a nearby shopping area where we got something cold to drink. I spotted a shoe store and we went in where she found some shoes on sale that she really liked and I ended up with a new pair of Brooks athletic shoes for my weary feet. I have "hard to fit" feet...they being "shallow" and a bit on the narrow side. I don't have enough foot to fill up a lot of shoes, so I'm limited on what I can find to fit me. These Brooks are just so comfy!! Of course, my shoes were not on sale. If I only had all the money I have spent on shoes that have NOT worked for my feet.....I could get a really nice lens I'm sure.

Oh, and these are condos that look out on the river and it is fun to walk by them and look at their patios and day dream about living in a place like this.

Just got home after taking Auntie h0me, and I'm tired. Hopefully tomorrow I can play Blip catch up on all your journals. Well, we can hope, can't we.

See ya

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