Camera club

A few weeks ago the local camera club had an exhibition in town and were advertising 3 weekly workshops in August. I had a chat with one of the lady members and she suggested I came along.

I debated and changed my mind several times yesterday but Lottie was at her Grandma's so it seemed silly not to go.

It was really busy and I have to admit there were a lot of older males there but I did get talking to a few more ladies who hadn't been before either. The speaker was quite good but seemed to overcomplicate the basics, which I wasn't too bad with as I have been to all my Hepworth workshops, but other people found too technical.

He sent us out into the carpark of the WMC to practice DoF and perspective - but to be honest there was a lack of subject matter and the light was fading so this was the best of a bad job!

I will persevere with the workshops and maybe next week get chance to talk to a few more people and decide whether joining would be beneficial.

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