White Queen

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A green veined white butterfly on the greater knapweed flower. I do love white butterflies, they do so well every year, while others seem to suffer. Although there has been an explosion of butterflies these last few weeks, long may it continue!

And I found a bird...

You ain't seen me, right?!

Today is the first day of my 3 day detox of smoooooooothies - Juice Master - Jason Vale - & strangely enough they're really really tasty, just 4 smoothies a day, that's it, no solid food for 3 days. I know what you're going to say.. you're going to say, ok that's fine, but you'll put all the weight back on again, well, I'm so determined this time *not* to... but at the moment I'm trying it out, as going away next Thursday for a week to Rutland (Bird Fair) & obviously can't do it then, can't really take the juicer & blender with me lol xxxx

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