Day 13 of 100 Days of Nature

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In truth I've missed a day (is a bull from yesterday nature?) & I still have another day to blip but have been flat out busy. This is a male common blue, there were 4 males in my garden today & 2 females, all chasing each other around the eggs & bacon (bird's foot trefoil) & as long as they're going to be in my garden they'll be blipped no matter if I've blipped them times before! I just can't get enough of them!

Thistle mist

I did a Craft Fair type this today called 'Merton Meal & Market', local village a few miles down the road. A good day & a few sales & chatted to some very lovely people too. Booked again mid September. Spinning tomorrow & perhaps a morning run before, see how I feel when my alarm goes off at 6:30am! xx

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