The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sheep shape

Day 1 of the special school holiday playscheme. I'd been worried about being with older students (16-18) as I don't know them, but it turned out a refreshing change.

As soon as the students had arrived, we loaded the minubuses and set off to a place near Tewkesbury. Our focus was ontherapeutic horticulture. Unlike most of the young people featured in the video, our students tend to have cerebral palsy, but can manage a great deal with appropriate assistance.

As well as craft activities, we met some tame sheep/lambs and chicks, and planted some foxglove seeds, and made 'bug hotels' to hang in trees. These are made from old plant pots stuffed with old paper tubes, sheeps' wool, pine cone, bark, and hollow stems of cow parsley. I couldn't publish a picture of a student's face without permission, so here's the supermodel sheep instead. Isn't she beautiful?

Tomorrow the group's going bowling in Gloucester.

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