Floating along

Well I can seem to find any of the Monarch’s and although I have spotted some other colorful butterflies lately, they are either flying to high or just passing thru and within a few seconds they are gone. I need to plant some more butterfly friendly flowers and shrubs.
The Cabbage White is our most common butterfly. I had about six of them flying around and landing in the garden today. This happens to be a male. The male has only the one black spot whereas the females have two. Did you know they can taste with their feet???
There was a wonderful children’s book called “I Wish I Were a Butterfly” about a cricket who thinks he is ugly and butterflies are beautiful. Of course, at the end of the story he realizes that he is not ugly, just different. I always liked reading it to my kids.
I love the way butterflies seem to float or glide rather than fly. They are so delicate and without any of the typical insect buzzing noises. While I was out in the garden taking these photos and admiring the butterflies, a mosquito bit me and something large and noisy flew into me, which caused me to jump and step back into the firethorn bush behind me. Those things are dangerous with their sharp prickly thorns! I was fine, just providing endless entertainment for the neighbors.

Lastly, I cannot think about butterflies without thinking about a great American athlete, Mohammed Ali. I grew up hearing his words echoed throughout radio and TV when he claimed he would “float like a Butterfly and Sting like a Bee.”

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