Life through the lens...

By ValC


This young blackbird had just flown straight into our bedroom window.
I heard a " bang ", and went outside to see what it was.
Found this young blackbird hiding in the bushes under the window.
I picked it up. He gave me a loud " Squawk"! Flapped its wings, and seemed OK, although when I put it down, it just went to hide it another part of the garden.
We can't find it now, so I think it has flown off.

I'm afraid there isn't such good news about the baby wrens.
The mum hasn't been seen since last Thursday, and so I got the steps out and had a look in the nest.
Absolutely empty.
I don't know what has happened to them, but they weren't nearly big enough to fledge.
So a sad end to that tale.

But a happy end to the baby blackbird story!

That's nature for you!


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