
By misswinterfinch

Another Botanical Study

It may look like a little series is developing here. I had not intended that when I went out with the trusty camera this beautiful morning.
I travelled all the way to the way-back yard where there is an incredibly overgrown raspberry batch. Two cats were delighted that I was going to one of their favourite hunting grounds. This is not my patch. The owners moved to Florida 3 or 4 years ago. I was invited to take care of the bed and eat the berries. The house and double yard was rented and I did not feel welcome to go over.
Last year a new tenant moved in. I went back to see if there was anything worth taking investigate. Our properties join with no fence or wall. The raspberries are hard to find among the massive overgrown herbs, wildflowers and, dare I call them... weeds?
Loads of apple mint, that fuzzy-leaved, delicious mint, has grown all around. I clipped a lot to hang and dry. I'll package the leaves for Christmas gift boxes. In the fall I shall dig a clump to bring to my mint bed.
And there was a tall wormwood-smelling plant that could be artemisia of some type. Could be a good moth repeller. I may clip and hang some of that for the clothes boxes and the back of the closets. (Busy busy busy!).
Now down to business-- what is on this pink tray today? That is the real question from me to you. See if you guess right.

In the top left corner is a bunch of dried Lady's Mantle-- for future arrangements. On the far right lies the long stem of Apple Mint. On the very top, of course, is a Rugosa rose hip. That is for size comparison to help us solve the mystery. The mystery vine in the middle has white flowers (I forgot to smell them) and trident or maple tree shaped leaves. What is most peculiar is the fruit or seed pod. It is a spiny, oval shaped, green thing. These are developing along the length of the vine. At first I thought I would like to grow it on one of the trellises, but I suspect it might be too invasive. I do not care for anything spiny either.
Does anyone have an idea about this vine? I could take a better photo of the flowers in water if that would help? This specimen is rather dried out.
Now, that's the end of botany for today... Everyone out in the sunshine-- I hope you have it in abundance?

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