
Another cover for the collection.

Coffee at the garden centre with one of the women who lunch coffee.
There was fun on the climbing-frame/slide and feeding the chickens.

Squirrel fell asleep in the car about 30 seconds from the house ....... then thought that was enough when she was put down for a sleep and spent an hour jumping about in her cot before finally going to sleep. I am glad to say she didn't wake her brother who was absolutely shattered for some reason.

After nearly 2 months squirrel has finally has her 2nd tooth break through.
Hopefully she will soon have a nice smile instead of her toothy grin.

I took out a load of duckweed and oxygenating plants from the pond but there is a lot more to come.
The lavender also got shorn so that it hopefully wont grow straggly and woody.

Now I am knackered and sore.

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