Sleeping kittens

This morning I got up early and went for a run at 8am. I bumped into some folks from my club at mile four and it was lovely to run with company for a while. I'm on a recovery week so I was only running 13 miles, they are training for a different marathon and were on a 20 miler. I left them at Musselburgh and headed home.

The reason I got up so early was that Jane and Tony were coming up today to fit Wesley's cat flap. It went marvellously and is now in place and working well. We'll try it out tomorrow!

The reason I didn't blip that was because Jane and Tony also brought up their kittens to Scotland. They're staying with my parents, so I came home to see them. This is Rocky (on top) and Fletch (sandwiched in the cushions). I thought Rocky was my favourite, but now I'm sure it's Fletch. He's curled up on my knee as I write this so he clearly has good taste!

Today's run: 13 miles
August running mileage: 68 miles
2013 running mileage: 716 miles

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