New Specs

A quick Blip tonight since I got in late from seeing the movie The Butler. I had planned to spend a good chunk of the day catching up on my Blip comments but I had decided to try to skip taking anything to help me sleep last night and well, I did not sleep.
I tossed and turned until about 4 a.m. at which time I got up, and had some water. I sat and read for a bit before trying again. I think I fell asleep close to 6 a.m. and slept until 11:30. This screwed up my day but I did manage to pick up my new eyeglasses and so a SP it was for today’s Blip.
It is nice to have the proper glasses so I can switch off with my contact lenses when I feel like it. I chose a pair with a little ‘bling’ on the sides and went with a darker frame so I did not look so washed out. I am happy with them.
I’m hoping I have a better time of sleeping tonight but I do not have a lot of faith in that wish. I promised to catch up with everyone tomorrow. I have set aside the afternoon to take my photo and spend time on comments.

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