
Here's Katie being super-dramatic as we walked around Tyninghame Bay this afternoon. With school starting on Wednesday and me off to London tonight, this was the real end of our summer holiday. And we had a brilliant time ! :)

Apart from the walk, 2 notable things: 1. We met a Dad out with his children on Oset bikes which are little motorbikes with electric engines. We NEED those. 2. We ended up at Fox Lake which is a wake-boarding lake a few miles out from our village and was packed with utterly cool people today. I do balk at the prices but it is very very excellent. Dude.

And so on to the train to London, which is packed and slightly crap because the train before mine was cancelled and it's the Edinburgh Festival and it's the last weekend of the Scottish schools hols. So, not too bad really I have a seat!

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