Two Black Dogs, One Stick...

...and a dog who would like to have a stick but doesn't like the water. Ozzie met up with another black lab who loves water and sticks and they played very nicely together for quite awhile, getting out occasionally to shake all over two ladies sitting on a bench, and the other dog's "mother" and I discussed Blipfoto. I may have made a new convert....

We've had a busy day today involving a visit from Tim and the kids and lots of water. After a trip to the garden to pick some tomatoes and carrots, we made crepes with blueberries, and Dana and Peter came over to join us on a walk around Spring Lake. There is always a certain amount of drama involved in getting that many people, kids and dogs organized, but in due course we set off, spotting a couple of immobile Night Herons standing on logs, staring down into the murky water. They are short necked, stocky birds, unlike their more elegant cousin the Great Blue Heron. The ducks were busy trolling the shallows, bottoms up for surprisingly long periods of time.

The swimming lagoon was a huge attraction and the fact that the kids had no swim suits was no hindrance as they both soon immersed themselves fully dressed. Maya practiced her crawl, striped skirt billowing up behind her, while Owen experimented with how much sand he could get to stick to himself and in his shorts as he rolled down the beach and into the water.

It was hot by the time we walked back to the car, so when we got home, the kids headed in our "foot pool". Eventually a shower was called for, drawn out discussions ensued over who needed to wash what out of their hair, and a good deal more time was spent under the running water, while OilMan barbecued hot dogs and I made salsa out of the proceeds from the garden.

There is nothing better than water for labs and kids on a hot day. Rudy might have a different idea....

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