Bad Timing!

I'm not quite sure on whose part, mine or Bobbies. We'd visited the allotment to pick beans and courgettes. Ten minutes later we arrived at Wentworth Castle Gardens to visit the playground by which time Bobby was out for the count. I spent the first half hour in the immediate proximity to the car taking close-ups of tree trunks, stones etc close to the car with the aim of using them to create textured backgrounds while Ann and Jimmy went off to the playground. By the time he surfaced, about two hours later Jimmy was having great fun with newly found friends while I'd researched various walks linked to the Cleveland Way.

It's been all bounce, rough and tumble and tears tonight though by the time we got round to story-time everyone had settled down enough to enjoy a cuddle as well as the story. I missed out on the book group but F sent me the remains of her lemon and orange sponge cake which was a real treat at the end of a very hectic day.

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